Sun and Rising Affirmations

“I see myself clearly. I am not what others make of me. I am not what others expect me to be. I am not what others need me to be. My existence is not contingent upon another’s acceptance of me. I do not exist to make others feel OK about their bad behavior. I was not born to give others medals for their good behavior or to make a big deal out of what they should already be doing.

Because I am capable of being honest with myself, I am honest with everyone else I am in partnership with.

I am not about to try and be something that I am not. Not in any way. Not even a little bit. I learn endless amounts when I commit to seeing myself clearly. I know who I am and if I waver from that knowledge, I pause until I regain it. No matter how the world sees me, I refer to the truth of myself first. No matter what distorted lenses are used to view me, I know my true reflection and that is all that matters. 

I offer myself in partnership from this place. Because if I am going to meet you anywhere, I want it to be from the most honest ground I can get to. I respond to my relationship responsibilities with care and consideration. I remain accountable for my trespasses. I pay my debts and keep my commitments clear, honest and straightforward. I am open to the partnerships that meet me. I am open to the partnerships that match me. I am open to the partnerships that raise the stakes and inspire me to grow. I am open to the partnerships that prove themselves as spiritually solid, philosophically potent and enduringly engaging in their opportunities to learn. I am here for the realest deals with others and am all booked up when it comes to anything else.”


“Friends, community members and those that help me to realize my dreams and hopes are my magic this new moon. No matter the problems that arise with them, no matter the promises spoken between us, they are my gateway to awakening right now.

I take the good with everything else. I need to be in relationship with the relationships that help me move forward. I am not above the work involved. I need the audience that receives my art. I am not above the feedback. I need the collaborations and the beauty that is created through them. I am not operating in isolation.

The difficulty that accompanies any relationship is the payment for the gift of receiving its blessings. As long as it balances itself out I make myself available for the abundance of information, intellectual stimulation and the swapping of information that is coming my way. I make myself available for the lessons that require me to rise to their challenge.

Especially when they help me to extend myself in service to others. Especially when I make it a priority to maintain healthy boundaries. Especially when these lessons help me to learn how to stretch myself. Especially when these lessons remind me that I am not above the messiness of human interactions or the practice of forgiveness as each one of us grows. I trust this process and show up for it.”

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